Fraternal Order of Police

Evergreen Lodge 1 is Proud to Silverdale, WA

Supporting Law Enforcement Officers and our Communities since 1981

Washington State FOP History Started Here With Evergreen Lodge #1 November 16, 1981

Welcome to FOP Evergreen Lodge #1, the first and oldest Fraternal Order of Police Lodge in the state of Washington. Today with all the problems facing Law Enforcement more than ever we need to stand united, vigilant, and unrelenting in our service and commitment to protect those who reside in our communities. I believe, as I hope all of you do that the majority of people in our society passively support our endeavors. I wish to invite all current and retired police officers to join the Fraternal Order of Police. We will welcome you with open arms. Join us as we continue to work to enhance and promote the positive endeavors of Law Enforcement.

Philip E. Colcord


FOP Evergreen Lodge #1

The Fraternal Order of Police was founded in 1915 in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The FOP represents more than 364,000 members in over 2,100 lodges throughout the United States and 2,200 officers here in Washington. The members are full-time law enforcement officers from local, county, state, and federal agencies. Throughout the years, the FOP has built a proud tradition of leadership in national law enforcement affairs. Evergreen Lodge #1 was the first lodge established on November 16, 1981 in the state of Washington. The tradition of Evergreen Lodge #1 continues today, in its dedication to serving the public.

The FOP exists to strive for betterment of the law enforcement profession for the individual officer and the collective membership. By improving working conditions, wages, benefits, and by monitoring and proposing effective legislation, the FOP provides a service and benefit to the law enforcement profession and the public to which it serves. FOP members across our nation believe in our national motto "Jus Fidus Libertatum" (Law is the Safeguard of Freedom).

The Truth Is Out There

  • I am a police officer
  • I went to college, got a degree
  • I applied at local, state, and federal agencies
  • I endured testing, drug, psych, polygraph, and comprehension
  • I went through backgrounds, family / friends, co-workers, neighbors - interviewed
  • I trained, before, during, after, the academy -
  • I sacrificed time, sleep, and hobby -
  • I am a police officer
  • I learned, lasted, endured, changed -
  • I worked midnights, patrolled the streets while you slept
  • I stopped the guy that was lurking outside your walls
  • I came fast when you called for help
  • I stopped that man who was looking to do you harm
  • I am a police officer
  • I've broken ties of family, friends who choose a different path
  • I've been looked down upon, up to, and cast aside
  • I've answered questions, given advice, and even cried
  • I am a police officer
  • I've seen the things they won't even put in the news
  • I've held your babies after a crash
  • I've comforted you, calmed you, and told you to wait
  • I've seen you at your worst, your best, and in between
  • I am a police officer
  • I've asked you questions that touched your soul
  • I've started the process to help make you whole
  • I've talked to your sons, your daughters about unthinkable things
  • I've gone after the one who invades your dreams
  • I've held your hand when no one else would
  • I've seen and done more than anyone should
  • I am a police officer
  • I know about things that would keep you up at night
  • I go to sleep and rise again for the fight
  • I risk my body, my mind, and my soul
  • I take the lumps that at times only I know
  • I am a police officer
  • I am criticized for being too cold
  • I am told not to be warm or let emotions get hold
  • I am demonized in the news
  • I am blamed for financial woes
  • I am taken for granted by you
  • I have friends who have taken a life
  • I've known friends who have given theirs for you
  • I am a police officer
  • Unknown Author